
5 Characteristics Of A State

A country is characterized by four distinct factors and these are:-

1. A country cannot be without people. It must have a population

regardless of the number of this particular population.

2. A state exists with conspicuously defined territorial borders. These borders

determine the size of the land and the expanse it tin govern.

three. A country must take an established government. This means it should

be able to develop laws and have the chapters to enforce the same within

its borders. The government should as well be recognized past other states


iv. A land must be sovereign. This means it should have the total right to

govern itself without interference by external entities.

From the above characteristics a state can be defined as an independent

geographical territory with a population governed by established laws.

In that location are four essential characteristics of a state which include population,

territory, sovereignty, and government. Some sourcesouthward list 6 or more than

characteristics when describing a state. Other characteristics may include a

food supply, written records, and some type of commerce.

one. Population: A state must have a population which may be variable in

size. Populations may or may not share general political beliefs merely the

ones that practise are the virtually stable. Mobility of the population tin can affect its

political and governmental stability.

ii. Territory: States have established territorial boundaries. The size of the

territory may change due to the conquering or secession of land through

political negotiations, buy agreements, or by being overtaken by strength

such as during a state of war.

3. Sovereignty: Sovereignty tin can be considered to exist the key characteristic

of a country. A state has full and absolute ability within its territorial

boundaries. States are independent with the power to brand and enforce

laws, constitute strange policy, and make up one's mind the time to come of its existence

inside the laws and boundaries.

4. Government: All states take some blazon of organized government.

Government allows the country to establish social order, provide public

services, and to make decisions that affect the living conditions of all

people living within the territorial boundaries of the state.

5 Characteristics Of A State,


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